Barney Beach Accommodation Centre (BBAC) is committed to safety and adheres to best practices as regulated by Work Health and Safety Queensland.

The SAFTDOX portal is available to staff and stakeholders.  The policy documents available from this portal are controlled and apply to all staff, visitors, contractors, and suppliers.

You will be able to access all of the policy documents by logging in with the login details provided to you.  It is expected that staff will be familiar with and use these documents in the course of their work.

If you have not received the login details and believe that you should have access please contact


As outlined in our Work Health & Safety Policy, Barney Beach Accommodation Centre is committed to ensuring that all employees are safe from injury and risks to their health whilst at work. This commitment must be accepted and undertaken by Management and communicated to staff.

Primary responsibility lies with the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking PCBU. The PCBU is primarily responsible for the health and safety of all employees, contractors and visitors. This responsibility is to be ranked equally with all other operational considerations.

The PCBU will set the highest practicable standards in meeting Barney Beach Accommodation Centre legislative obligations under the relative Health and Safety Legislation by providing:

  • a safe and healthy work environment;
  • safe system of work;
  • safe plant and substances;
  • provide adequate facilities for the welfare of workers;
  • information, training, instruction and supervision as is necessary to ensure that these objectives are met; and
  • an effective means of communication and consultation with employees on health and safety issues.

Barney Beach Accommodation Centre recognises that a pro-active approach is the most effective means of preventing workplace injuries and illness. However, this approach will be dependent upon the following factors:

  • All employees and contractors being involved and committed to improving safety within the workplace.
  • All managers being made responsible and accountable for the health and safety of all staff under their control.
  • All managers consulting effectively with employees on all matters affecting health and safety.
  • All managers will be assigned responsibilities for providing the required procedures that will achieve the aims and objectives set out in this document.
  • The provision of adequate training, instruction and supervision of all employees to assist them in meeting their safety responsibilities.
  • Employees meeting their obligations under the relative Health and Safety Legislation by working in a manner so as not to injure themselves or others; following directives for health & safety and wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as required.
  • Barney Beach Accommodation Centre acknowledges responsibility for the health and safety of all employees, contractors and visitors and will provide adequate resources to meet the legislative requirements and the aims and objectives outlined in this document.
  • The PCBU will ensure that there is an adequate structure to implement these policies and that all levels of management are given the responsibilities necessary to ensure its success. The PCBU will hold all levels of management accountable for work health and safety matters.

The primary responsibility of all managers and supervisors will lie in controlling hazards through the process of identification, assessment, control, evaluation and monitoring. These responsibilities will be best achieved through consultation with employees, thus facilitating involvement and co-operation.

Kathy Corones
Business Development Manager
Barney Beach Accommodation Centre